The folklore ensemble Poľana was founded at the turn of years 1955 – 1956, and already in the year 1956 won first place in the regional round of the Competition of the youth creativity in Banská Bystrica. This was the beginning of its successful performance. The material and financial conditions of the folk group improved when the legal relations between the folk ensemble and the founder – Rectorate of University College of Forestry and Wood Technology (VŠLD) were solved. In 1976 the Rectors board of VŠLD approved the Bylaw of the Folk ensemble Poľana. The university management was creating optimal material and financial conditions for all activities of the ensemble. Continuity of the work was guaranteed by experienced members of the folk ensemble management: J. Račko, M. Almássyová and the director E. Senko.
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Great benefit for the folk ensemble was that M. Križo, a great interpreter of Slovak folk songs, became the manager of the male vocal group. This group soon became a pillar of the artistic level of the whole ensemble.